welcome to my website

From UI/UX, to APIs, to Databases.. I love designing everything. Oh, and I code too! My Github

a bit about me

Hi my name is Wes, So a little bit about me is that I attended a 4 year university at UCI and majored in Informatics which focused on UI / UX Design. When I was at university, I did my UI/UX internship, and luckily I was given the exposure and opportunity to work on more than just my existing UI / UX skills, and touched a bit more on the technical implementation of what I designed. That exposure provided me with a really satisfying experience with programming that I never had before. Which was the opportunity to build what I designed which was the best feeling ever. And made me realize the potential that I could be missing out on. With the ability to bring my own designs to life, I’m more excited than ever to learn and push myself beyond the boundaries.

my skills

My skills that I work with the most

  • Python
  • Javascript/TS
  • CSS
  • React-Redux
  • Node
  • Flask
  • PostgreSQL
  • Unit Testing
  • Linux
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • Git / Gitflow
  • Design
  • DS/Algorithms

Projects / Works

Here are a few of my works and projects

source code

source code

source code


My Contacts

Contact me! Feel free to contact me with any methods below